The Youth Nicotine Dependence Advisory Committee (YNDAC)
YNDAC is a partnership of Public Health Units and other organizations, groups, and agencies with a focus on youth commercial tobacco, vaping and nicotine product use prevention, cessation and enforcement in Ontario. The committee works to provide a forum for provincial partners to collaborate to develop, implement and evaluate a comprehensive, coordinated, evidence-informed approach to reduce rates of nicotine addiction among Ontario youths by:
Maintaining the Youth Smoking and Vaping Situational Assessment, through the ongoing review and collection of evidence related to adult tobacco and/or vaping use prevention, cessation and/or enforcement.
Identifying opportunities for collaborative action that will reduce duplication, increase effectiveness, and contribute to the achievement of the project goals and objectives.
Developing and implementing collaborative programming, using Public Health Ontario’s (2018) Planning Health Promotion Programs process.
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