Youth Resources

Helpful Resources

Quitting is hard. But you don’t have to do it alone. Here are some resources that can help you.

  • General Cessation or Prevention Resources

    Consider the Consequences of Vaping (Self-led Modules)

    These modules include engaging activities, informative content, and discussion questions about vaping. 

    Lung Health Line  

    Direct support line for smoking cessation from a Certified Tobacco Educator.

    Stop Vaping Challenge 

    An app (available on iOS and Android) that provides a venue for youth to reflect on their vaping behaviours and patterns in a fun, social way that encourages quitting with friends.

    Not An Experiment 

    Information webpage highlighting how vaping is not an experiment for your health.

    NRT Trial Offer 

    Smokers’ Helpline is pleased to be able to offer a trial package of NICODERM® patches and NICORETTE® nicotine gum to qualifying quitters.

    Crush the Crave

    An app to help users quit vaping.

    Canadian Cancer Society's Quit Map  

    Quit Map - Find supports to quit smoking and vaping nearby, online, by phone, and elsewhere.

    Nod from 2050  

    A website that encourages youth to reflect on their long-term goals with respect to vaping nicotine. 

  • Indigenous Youth Resources

    We Matter 

    We Matter is an Indigenous youth-led and nationally registered organization dedicated to Indigenous youth support, hope and life promotion.

    Talk Tobacco 

    Talk Tobacco is a free confidential program offering culturally appropriate support and information about quitting smoking, vaping and commercial tobacco use to First Nations, Inuit, Métis and urban Indigenous communities.

    Hope for Wellness 

    The Hope for Wellness Helpline is available to all Indigenous people across Canada. Experienced and culturally competent counsellors are reachable by telephone and online ‘chat’ 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • 2SLGBTQI+ Resources

    Expand Project 

    The Expand Project is an initiative to start a dialog within queer and trans communities about smoking.

    It Gets Better Canada 

    Resource database for 2SLGBTQIA+ resources across Canada, by province.

  • Mental Health and Other Substance Use Resources

    Alternatives for Youth

    Alternatives for Youth provides community-based substance use and addiction treatment services that engage and mobilize youth and their families.

    Kids Help Phone 

    Kids Help Phone’s e-mental health services are available 24/7 across Canada. 

    Learn the Be There Basics of how to recognize when someone is struggling and tips on how to start the conversation.

    YouthSpace is a free online crisis & emotional support chat service for youth under 30 across Canada. We listen without judgement, and keep chats confidential & anonymous.

  • Francophone Resources


  • General Cessation or Prevention Resources

    Alberta Quits

    This site will help you get prepared to stop smoking. It’s all about finding the right information at the right time. You’ll learn what to expect and how to prepare for roadblocks on your journey to successfully quitting.

    Alberta Quits Phone Support


    The AlbertaQuits helpline is FREE for all residents of Alberta, open from 8AM to 8PM seven days a week - receive confidential, non-judgemental support from Quit Counsellors. They will help you deal with cravings and help you stay motivated. Translation services are also available.

    Alberta Quits Text Support

    Text the word ABQUITS to number 123456 to register for free.

    Alberta Health Services offers a FREE 3-month text messaging program that delivers motivational messages, advice and tips to your cell to help you quit. The text service has been enhanced to include support for quitting vaping and a live chat feature with quit counsellors. The free text service is designed for those who are ready to set a quit date within the next 30 days, or have recently quit. Messages are tailored to your quit date.

    Alberta Lung - Vaping Facts

    What you need to know about vaping: facts, risks, FAQs and more from Alberta Lung.


    QuitCore is a FREE group support program that provides Albertans (18+); with the tools and skills they need to quit using tobacco. The program consists of six 90-minute sessions over a period of up to nine weeks at various locations around the province.

  • Indigenous Youth Resources

    Red Road Healing Society

    Red Road Healing Society works to remove the barriers of generational trauma. They provide professional services for Indigenous people, by Indigenous people. Check out their youth programs that include different cultural perspectives and practices.

    Native Counselling Services of Alberta

    NCSA is a non-profit, non-political, Indigenous organization that has no religious affiliations. Helps you reclaim your sense of cultural connection, heal damaged relationships, set a course for your life, and follow through with it. Programs and services include youth housing and help for at-risk youth.

    Alberta Native Friendship Centres Association

    Friendship Centres were and continue to provide culturally-based programs and services that respond to the distinct needs of urban Indigenous people. They are known for their ability to bridge gaps that exist between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in urban areas. Friendship Centres have long been recognized by government and community members for contributing to the revitalization of Indigenous culture; developing greater awareness and understanding of urban Indigenous peoples and their role in Alberta communities.

  • 2SLGBTQI+ Resources


    ConnecTeen is a confidential peer support service for youth in Calgary and area. We are a program of Distress Centre. Being a teen can be tough. You have more independence, responsibility, and stress as a teenager, and you probably have more questions too.

    LGBTQ Support Help Line

    Call: 1-877-688-4765 (1-877- OUT IS OK)

    A toll free, 24-hour support/crisis line operated by Distress Centre Calgary to support LGBT/sexual minority and questioning youth.

    Rainbow Alliance for Youth of Edmonton

    An inter-agency committee serving LGBTQ2S+ youth & promoting increased understanding, empathy, and knowledge.

    Inside Out Youth Group

    Inside Out Youth Group is a fun, casual, and simultaneously supportive group for 2SLGBTQ+ identified or questioning youth ages 13-18 along with their friends, family, and allies.

    Luna Centre - Mental Health Resources for 2SLGBTQIA+

    LUNA Child and Youth Advocacy Centre provides a list of resources to support 2SLGBTQIA+ youth in Alberta.

    Skipping Stone

    A welcoming, positive, and judgement-free space that offers resources, programs, and supports for anyone who identifies as trans, transgender, non-binary, or gender diverse, as well as those questioning, exploring, or looking to affirming their gender identity or expression. 

  • Mental Health and Other Substance Use Resources

    Bridging the Gap (BTG)

    Bridging the Gap (BTG) is a community-based program that provides support to 16 – 24-year-olds who struggle with mental health concerns (self-identified or diagnosed), and who experience barriers that impact important areas of their life.

    Mental Health and Addictions Navigator

    Hull’s Mental Health and Addiction Navigator is a FREE resource open to the community that helps youth and parents and caregivers of children and youth who are struggling with mental health and addictions concerns more effectively navigate the resources and supports available to them in their community.

    The Summit

    The Summit is a warm and welcoming one-stop resource dedicated to helping young people who are struggling with mental health issues. It will provide a much-needed alternative for families in crisis.

    Talk to a Peer (CMHA Calgary)

    The Peer Support service provides the opportunity for anyone – individual, family member, or professional – to speak with someone with lived experiences of mental health or substance use concerns. By engaging with the Peer Support Workers, you can make a connection with someone with lived experience, increase your sense of engagement and belonging, and move through your recovery journey to develop skills and build resiliency.

  • Francophone Resources

    Alberta Quits (French Translation Available)

    This site will help you get prepared to stop smoking. It’s all about finding the right information at the right time. You’ll learn what to expect and how to prepare for road blocks on your journey to successfully quitting. 

    Alberta Quits Text Support (French Translation Available)

    Text the word ABQUITS to number 123456 to register for free

    AHS offers a FREE 3-month text messaging program that delivers motivational messages, advice and tips to your cell to help you quit. The text service has been enhanced to include support for quitting vaping and a live chat feature with quit counsellors. The free text service is designed for those who are ready to set a quit date within the next 30 days, or have recently quit. Messages are tailored to your quit date.

    Alberta Quits Phone Support (French Translation Available)


    The AlbertaQuits helpline is FREE for all residents of Alberta, open from 8AM to 8PM seven days a week - receive confidential, non-judgemental support from Quit Counsellors. They will help you deal with cravings and help you stay motivated. Translation services are also available.


  • General Cessation or Prevention Resources

    BC Lung Health Foundation 

    What You Need to Know about Vaping: Facts, Risks, FAQs and More

    QuitNow BC

    A free program to quit or reduce nicotine. |

    Smart Steps for Quitting Commercial Tobacco

    Are you preparing to quit using commercial tobacco? Quitting can be challenging, especially if you don’t know where to start. This booklet can help you take steps by providing information, tips and activities to plan your quit journey. 

    BC Smoking Cessation Program 

    BC PharmaCare's Smoking Cessation Program helps eligible B.C residents of any age stop using tobacco products.

    Vancouver Smoking Cessation Clinic 

    Smoking cessation clinics provide personalized counselling support and education by a doctor or nurse to help stop smoking or vaping. Appointments are available in person (in Vancouver at VGH) or by phone or video. Services are available to all BC residents.

    Youth or parents can book an appointment directly (no referral needed) by phone 604-875-4800 (select option 2) or email

  • Indigenous Youth Resources

    First Nations Health Authority - Respecting Tobacco

    Respecting Tobacco: Information on traditional tobacco and how to quit commercial tobacco usage.

    First Nations Health Authority - Health And Wellness

    The FNHA and other organizations provide culturally safe and trauma-informed cultural, emotional, and mental health services to Indigenous people in BC. 

    Indigenous Initiatives Network

    Through the 24/7 Crisis TEXT Line powered by Kids Help Phone, Indigenous youth and adults now have the option of connecting with First Nations, Inuit and Métis crisis responders when available.

    Simply text “First Nations” “Metis” or “Inuit” to 68 68 68 (youth) or 741 741 (adults) and individuals will be connected with a corresponding crisis responder if available or call 1-800-668-6868

    KUU-US crisis line

    KUU-US Crisis Line can be reached toll-free at 1-800-588-8717. Alternatively, individuals can call direct into the Youth Line at 250-723-2040.

    The KUU-US Crisis Line Society provides a First Nations and Indigenous specific crisis line available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, toll-free from anywhere in British Columbia.

  • 2SLGBTQI+ Resources


    QMUNITY is a non-profit organization based in Vancouver, BC that works to improve queer, trans, and Two-Spirit lives. We provide a safer space for 2SLGBTQIA+ people and their allies to fully self-express while feeling welcome and included. Our building serves as a catalyst for community initiatives and collective strength.


    QCHAT is an LGBTQIA2S+ peer support association made up of peer volunteers across British Columbia, and our organization exists to provide peer support and referral services to youth residing within the province.

  • Mental Health and Other Substance Use Resources

    Interior Health 

    Interior Health's Access Mental Health & Substance Use Services (MHSU) aims to provide a safe space where you can be connected to the service or services that meet your needs. 

    Here to Help

    HeretoHelp is a project of the BC Partners for Mental Health and Substance Use Information.

    This is a group of seven leading mental health and substance non-profit agencies. Since 2003, we've been working together to help people live well and better prevent and manage mental health and substance use problems.

    Youth in BC – Crisis Centre

    24 Hour Crisis Lines and Online Chat available 

    KUU-US crisis line

    KUU-US Crisis Line can be reached toll-free at 1-800-588-8717. Alternatively, individuals can call direct into the Youth Line at 250-723-2040.

    The KUU-US Crisis Line Society provides a First Nations and Indigenous specific crisis line available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, toll-free from anywhere in British Columbia.

  • Francophone Resources

    HealthLinkBC - Cesser de fumer

    Information on smoking cessation, why to quit, how to quit and how to get help.

British Columbia

  • General Cessation or Prevention Resources

    Our Own Health Services

    For patients in the 2SLGBTQ+ community who smoke and who wish to reduce or eliminate this practice, OOHC offers smoking cessation sessions with a clinical pharmacist. A referral for this must come from an OOHC doctor.

    Commit to Quit 

    Series of workshops for anyone who would like to reduce or stop their tobacco or nicotine use.  Learn about your triggers, setting realistic goals and how to start reducing usage.

    Manitoba Quits

    Manitoba Quits is a peer support group for people looking to quit smoking and stay smoke-free.

    This Facebook Group is a collaboration between the Manitoba Lung Association and the Manitoba Tobacco Reduction Alliance (MANTRA).

    Northern Westchester Hospital - Community Smoking Cessation Program 

    Educational community events - free to register. 

    The Quit Crowd

    The Quit Crowd is a diverse and welcoming community of Manitobans looking to quit smoking or stay smoke-free found on Facebook.

    RaY (Resource Assistance for Youth)

    RaY is a nationally recognized and award-winning nonprofit organization located in Winnipeg, MB. RaY supports youth ages 0 – 29 with integrated programs and services in a nonjudgmental and inclusive space.

  • Indigenous Youth Resources

    Manitoba Youth Hub 

    The Manitoba Youth Hub Initiative’s goal is to provide a “one-stop shop” model of accessing services. Its intent is to bring together mental health, addictions services, primary care, peer support, and other social services into one space. All of this came together to provide Huddle, the Manitoba Youth Hub Initiative.

    The Butterfly Club

    The Butterfly Club is a program designed to engage, motivate, and support Indigenous girls and Two Spirit youth, 9-13 years of age, in cultural, social, and leadership development activities. Weekly program provides the youth with opportunities to develop self-confidence and a sense of belonging, guided by a curriculum focusing on Indigenous cultural reclamation, environmental stewardship, self-development, and community involvement. 

    Huddle Youth Hubs

    Huddle is a welcoming place designed to make youth feel at ease and comfortable when they first walk in. Think of us as a one-stop shop for health care, youth services, community events and other useful stuff to help young people feel better. Instead of bouncing around to different doctors, counsellors or drop-ins, you’ll find everything you need in one warm, safe space.

  • 2SLGBTQI+ Resources

    Own Own Health

    Our Own Health Centre is a Winnipeg medical clinic which specializes in care for the 2SLGBTQ+ community. 

    Rainbow Resource Centre 

    Extensive list of 2SLGBTQ+ organizations in Manitoba.

    2STLGBQ+ Program

    SERC offers affirming and supportive programming for  Two-Spirit, Transgender, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Questioning (2STLGBQ+) individuals, families and friends in Brandon and Western Manitoba.

    Two Spirited People of Manitoba

    2Spirit Manitoba is an organization that seeks to improve the quality of life of 2Spirit (Indigenous LGBTQQIA+ People).

  • Mental Health and Other Substance Use Resources

    Huddle Youth Hubs

    A one-stop shop for health care, youth services, community events and other useful stuff to help young people feel better. Instead of bouncing around to different doctors, counsellors, or drop-ins, you’ll find everything you need in one warm, safe space at a Huddle Youth Hub. 

    RaY (Resource Assistance for Youth) - Mental Health and Addictions

    RaY has a dedicated mental health and addictions team to support youth in understanding their mental health and getting support they need.

    Child & Adolescent Community Mental Health (Prairie Mountain Health)

    A full range of mental health services for children and adolescents across the Prairie Mountain region, including community services, crisis services, and some specialty services.

  • Francophone Resources

    Santé en français 

    Santé en français is the representative of Francophones to ensure and promote French-language services in the health care and social services field.

    Collectif LGBTQ*

    The Collectif LGBTQ* du Manitoba has been in existence since January 2019, with a mission to support the health and well-being of Manitoba's French-speaking 2ELGBTQ+ community, while ensuring its safety, both in terms of sexual orientation and gender identity, as well as linguistically and culturally.


  • General Cessation or Prevention Resources

    NB Anti-Tobacco Coalition

    The New Brunswick Anti-Tobacco Coalition (NBATC) is a group of like-minded people focused on coordinated action for tobacco and smoke-free living in New Brunswick.

    Vitalite Health Network Smoking Cessation Clinic

    The Smoking Cessation Clinic provides individual consultations to those who want to stop smoking or vaping. Overcome nicotine dependence, Quit smoking, Quit vaping

    Smoke Free NB

    Text: SMOKEFREENB to 123456 or CALL: 1 866 366 3667 

    Text or Call with a quit expert from the New Brunswick Quit Line.

    NB Lung

    New Brunswick Lung Foundation - Connect with support!

  • Indigenous Youth Resources

     Under One Sky Friendship Centre

    Under One Sky is a registered non-profit organization providing programs and services, educating, advocating for, and empowering a healthy and proud Indigenous community.

    Community Addiction and Mental Health Services in First Nation Communities

    Addiction and Mental Health Services provide a range of services for individuals and family members affected by substance use, harmful gambling and/or mental health issues. Horizon serves 12 of the 15 Indigenous communities located in New Brunswick.

  • 2SLGBTQI+ Resources

    Specialized Care for 2SLGBTQIA+ in NB

    Specialized care for people who identify as a sexual or gender minority (2SLGBTQIA+).


    Primary healthcare services to lesbian gay, bisexual, trans, two-spirited, intersex, queer or questioning individuals. Our goal is to provide dignified, non-judgmental services to help clients feel better, cope better with day-to-day challenges and address specific LGBTQ+ health issues.

    LBGT Outreach - Moncton

    LGBT+ Outreach is a non-profit for people who identify as LGBTQ+. It is focused on enhancing and bringing together the LGBTQ+ community within Moncton, Dieppe, and Riverview.

  • Mental Health and Other Substance Use Resources

     Chimo Helpline

    Chimo is a provincial crisis phone line, accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to all residents of New Brunswick.

    CMHA New Brunswick

    CMHA of NB facilitates access to the resources people require to maintain and improve mental health and community integration, build resilience, and support recovery from mental illness.

  • Francophone Resources

    New Brunswick Anti Tobacco Coalition 

    Tools, advice and support for teens and young adults for vaping. 

    Smoke Free NB

    Texte: NBSANSTABAC a 123456 or TELEPHONE: 1 866 527 7383 

    Text or call with a New Brunswick Quitline smoking cessation expert.

New Brunswick

  • General Cessation or Prevention Resources

    NL Smoker's HelpLine

    Create a quit plan and explore quit topics.

    NL Smoker's HelpLine

    vaping - Smokers Helpline 

    Get more information about vaping and support for quitting.

    MUN School of Pharmacy - Quit Smoking and Vaping Program 

    The Smoking Cessation program is a pharmacist-led clinic that offers smoking cessation services including quit medication and counseling for individuals who wish to make a change in their tobacco use.

    Truth About Vaping

    Information about vaping, health effects, addiction, and lung health.

  • Indigenous Youth Resources

    First Light St John's Friendship Centre

    First Light is a registered non-profit organization that serves the urban Indigenous and non-Indigenous community alike by providing programs and services rooted in the revitalization, strengthening and celebration of Indigenous cultures and languages in the spirit of trust, respect, and friendship.

  • 2SLGBTQI+ Resources

    List of Resources for 2SLGBTQIA+ in Newfoundland

    This page contains a list of 2SLGBTQIA+ community groups across Newfoundland and Labrador. 


    A physical space welcoming to all members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in Newfoundland and Labrador, which will house and offer services and programs designed to create social connections, provide resources, and advance all aspects of health and the quality of life for our community through inclusion and diversity, community development, collaboration, and recognition.

    YMCA St John's 2SLGBTQIA+ Services

    The YMCA of St John's works to ensure that programs, events, and services are accessible to those with diverse gender identities and sexual orientations, varying cultural identities, and to people of all abilities. 

  • Mental Health and Other Substance Use Resources

    Bridge the gApp

    Bridge the gapp is a new way to connect with guidance and support for mental health and addictions in Newfoundland and Labrador. Includes an extensive service directory list. 

    Community Mental Health Initiative

    Community Mental Health Initiative is a community-based charitable organization that offers information about mental health and mental wellness.

    Therapy Assist Online

    Therapy Assistance Online (TAO) is an online program available in French and English, which combines online education materials with brief contact by phone, chat or video conferencing with a registered counsellor to help improve your health and wellness.

Newfoundland and Labrador

  • General Cessation or Prevention Resources

    Tobacco Cessation Clinic (Yellowknife)

    The Yellowknife Tobacco Cessation clinic offers free and private services at the Yellowknife Primary Care Clinic or through virtual care. If you are trying to quit tobacco, call (867) 767-9294 or (867)767-9125 and ask for an appointment at the Tobacco Cessation Clinic.

    NWT Help Line


    Toll-free NWT Help Line is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with trained responders waiting to help you. Services are available in English or French. You can also call to request translating services in all the NWT’s official languages.

  • 2SLGBTQI+ Resources

    Northern Mosaic Network (Formerly Rainbow Coalition of Yellowknife)

    As an organization, the Northern Mosaic Network strives to make communities in the Northwest Territories a safer, more open, more knowledgeable place for all 2SLGBTQIPA+ people and their allies.

    Rainbow Youth Centre

    The Rainbow Youth Centre is a space for 2SLGBTQIPA+ and questioning children and youth and allies to come together for recreation, support and arts-based programs.

  • Mental Health and Other Substance Use Resources

    Arctic Indigenous Wellness Foundation

    Telephone sessions available with traditional counsellors, available from 9:00-5:00. (867) 447-1095 or (867) 445-8035

Northwest Territories

Nova Scotia

  • General Cessation or Prevention Resources

    Lung NSPEI

    LungNSPEI is a charitable health organization dedicated to improving quality of life by preventing and managing lung disease through advocacy, patient services, education & research.

    Tobacco Free NS

    Personalized and non-judgmental support to help you quit and stay quit. Whether you’re thinking about quitting or having some setbacks, we can help you each step of the way. All services are free and confidential.

    Quit NS

    QuitNS is a FREE online pilot program offered by LungNSPEI to help Nova Scotians quit smoking. People were able to join from the comfort of their home and receive free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) patches and gum/lozenges mailed to their address.

    NSH Stop Smoking Program

    Stop smoking, tobacco cessation and nicotine addiction services are available throughout Nova Scotia for individuals who want to cut back or stop their tobacco (cigarettes, cigars, vape, chew, etc.) use.

  • Indigenous Youth Resources

    Acadia First Nation

    Assists communities and its members to achieve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health through health promotion, traditional teachings, education, disease prevention activities, partnerships and health services. 

    First Nations, Indigenous Health Services - Nova Scotia Health 

    A comprehensive list of 17 unique First Nations Health Centres and Services in Nova Scotia.

  • 2SLGBTQI+ Resources

    Pride Health

    prideHealth works to improve access to safe, coordinated, comprehensive primary health care for people who are part of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

    Expand Project 

    The Expand Project is an initiative to start a dialog within queer and trans communities about smoking.

  • Mental Health and Other Substance Use Resources

    CMHA Nova Scotia

    Call 1-833-292-3698 or TEXT good2talkns TO 686868

    Provincial Mental Health and Addictions Crisis Line CALL 1-888-429-8167

    Nova Scotia Health Mental Health and Addictions Intake

    CALL 1-855-922-1122 for an intake.

    good2talk Nova Scotia

    Free, confidential support from a professional counsellor on a range of mental health and well-being topics.

  • Francophone Resources

    Tobacco Free Nova Scotia 

    Personalized, non-judgmental support to help you quit and stay quit. Whether you're considering quitting or struggling, we can help you every step of the way. All services are free and confidential.  Services available in French. 


  • General Cessation or Prevention Resources

    Nunavut Quits

    Website assisting residents of Nunavut on their journey to quitting commercial tobacco.

    Nunavut Quits - Quit Line 

    Call 1-866-368-7848 

    Talk to one of the friendly, knowledgeable quit coaches at QuitLine 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The service is both private and free. Counsellors can help you in Inuktitut, English, Inuinnaqtun and French.

    Nunavut Quits - Live Chat  

    Talk to a live quit coach in the live chat.

  • Mental Health and Other Substance Use Resources

    Nunavuat Kamatsiaqtut Help Line 

    Call 1-800-265-3333 or 867-979-3333. 

    Crisis line serving Nunavut and Nunavik (Arctic Quebec) 7 days/week 24 hours/day


  • General Cessation or Prevention Resources

    The Ottawa Heart Institute Quit Smoking Program  

    The Quit Smoking Program is a nurse-led clinic that provides you with one-on-one support during your attempt to quit. Through the program, we provide a non-judgmental and supportive environment where we tailor a “quit plan” to meet your individual needs. 


    A resource hub for those looking to quit commercial tobacco use in NorthWestern Ontario.

    Ontario Health811 - cessation phone counselling 

    Connect with a registered nurse day or night for free, secure, and confidential advice in Ontario.

    CAMH - Join STOP on the Net 

    An online program to help you quit smoking cigarettes, offered by CAMH.

    Don't Quit Quitting 

    Don’t Quit Quitting is a project of the seven regional tobacco control area networks (TCAN) working to support and co-ordinate the efforts of Ontario’s 35 public health units. The goal of this website is to provide information and support for you when you are ready to make a quit attempt.

    Breaking Free Online

    Confidential wellness and recovery support program for alcohol and drugs.

  • Indigenous Youth Resources

    M'Wikewedong, Owen Sound

    An incorporated, non-profit organization established to address the social, spiritual, mental, and physical needs of the Urban Aboriginal population of Owen Sound and surrounding area.

    Tobacco Wise Resources

    Information page on quitting commercial tobacco.

    De dwa da dehs nye s Aboriginal Health Centre

    Provides culturally safe programs and services that are relationship based, welcoming, and client oriented. DAHC provides Primary Care and Health Promotions programs in the urban centres of Brantford and Hamilton.

    Semaa Project 

    Support 2-Spirit peoples and First Nations, Métis, and Inuit community members who are at risk of or living with HIV, hepatitis C, and related co-infections; and we will continue to support community members who are facing the effects of historic and ongoing colonial violence so that we may thrive within our communities and nations.

    Hamilton Regional Indian Centre (HRIC)

    The Hamilton Regional Indian Centre provides wrap around services in a culturally safe environment to help rebuild trust and provide a sense of belonging, allowing healing to take place. Indigenous service delivery agencies must have autonomy to implement and provide supports to make meaningful impact as we know the distinct needs of our community members and how to address them.

    Tungasuvvingat Inuit

    Tungasuvvingat Inuit is an Inuit-specific registered not-for-profit Ontario service provider offering social support, cultural activities, employment and education assistance, youth programs, counselling, crisis intervention and more.

    Talk 4 Healing 

    Offers 24/7 help, support and resources for Indigenous women, by Indigenous women, all across Ontario.


    Creates and delivers services that will prevent ill health, treat illness and provide support and aftercare. Services are offered in a culturally sensitive way that welcomes, accepts and respects all Indigenous people.

  • 2SLGBTQI+ Resources

    LGBT Youth Line 

    Youth Line offers confidential and non-judgemental peer support through our telephone, text and chat services. Get in touch with a peer support volunteer from Sunday to Friday, 4:00PM to 9:30 PM.

    2SLGBTQ+ & Trans Health Program.

    The Trans Health Program supports trans and gender diverse folks ages 17 and up who are residents of Ottawa and the Champlain Region.  

  • Mental Health and Other Substance Use Resources


    Online community that provides a wide range of support, whatever you’re going through.Share what’s on your mind with others in the community, take comfort reading the thoughts of others who may be experiencing something similar to you or browse the many resources available – you’re in control.


    Provides free, confidential support services for post-secondary students in Ontario.


    CMHA Ontario  

    CMHA Ontario is a dedicated partner within the network of Canadian Mental Health Associations at the national, provincial and local level.

    Counselling Connect 

    Schedule free counselling sessions or browse support groups - for residents of Ottawa and the surrounding area.

    Choices, CMHA 

    Serves youth up to age 20 who are concerned about their own or someone else’s substance use.

    TRUENORTH Medical Clinics

    trueNorth operates on a low-barrier, walk-in basis where individuals receive access to assessment and treatment within the same visit.  They offer compassionate, specialized, and accessible care through telemedicine-based medical consultations, advice and treatment related to substance use.

  • Other Resources

    Bounce Back Ontario

    BounceBack® is a free skill-building program managed by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). It is designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression and anxiety, stress or worry.

    Ottawa Heart Institute

    Call 1-888-645-5405 (additional free NRT resource for Ont)


    OTRU is home to a number of full-time researchers, including scientists and research associates at the PhD level working in tobacco research.

Prince Edward Island

  • General Cessation or Prevention Resources

    PEI Smoking Cessation Program  

    The PEI Smoking Cessation Program helps PEI residents who wish to stop smoking or using other tobacco products by: covering 100% of the cost of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products (i.e., nicotine gum, lozenges, patches, and inhaler) and specific smoking cessation prescription medications.

    Provincial Youth Addiction Services  

    Health PEI is responsible for the delivery of publicly funded health services in Prince Edward Island. The organization operates hospitals, health centres, public long-term care nursing facilities and community-based programs and services.

  • Indigenous Youth Resources

    Bridging Barriers: Youth Connecting Youth 

    The Youth Connecting Youth program brings youth aged 12-29 of all ethnicities and backgrounds together to learn and engage in Indigenous culture. The program is designed to teach youth about the importance of environmental, reconciliation, and decolonization practices. 

    Native Council of Prince Edward Island

    The mission of the Native Council is to be the self-governing Indigenous Representative Organization for Indigenous people residing off-reserve across ancestral Mi’kmaq territory in PEI (Epekwitk).

    Mi'kmaq Family Resource Centre

    The Mi’kmaq Family Resource Centre offers a wide range of programs and services to support young Aboriginal children and their families.

    Abegweit First Nation

    The individuals, families, and communities we serve at Abegweit First Nation Mi’kmaq Wellness Centre are diverse and complex. It is recognized that our communities’ needs are best met by teams of health care professionals working in collaboration with each other, individuals, and families. It has been shown that teams collaborating together towards providing optimal client care have been associated with improved: client care, client outcomes, communications among health care professionals, access to health care services, and satisfaction among clients and health care professionals.

  • 2SLGBTQI+ Resources

    PEI Transgender Networkq 

    A network of community members comprised of transgender and gender non-conforming people, as well as parents of trans and GNC youth.

    P.E.E.R.S Alliance

    PEERS Alliance is a not-for-profit organization which focuses on sexual health wellbeing and harm reduction for all Islanders. They provide community supports to folks living with HIV/AIDS as well as 2SLGBTQ+ communities of all ages.

    PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)

    Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays. Educates and provides resources to all individuals with questions or concerns, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Mental Health and Other Substance Use Resources

    Mental Health and Addictions Phone Line

    1-833-553-6983 (toll-free) 

    Calls are answered by trained mental health professionals (a registered nurse or a social worker) 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

    CAST Program

    The Coping and Support Training (CAST) Program is an evidence-based group skills program that helps at-risk youth with substance misuse (drinking or using drugs), mental well-being, and school performance. CAST is offered to youth (age 13-18) in junior and senior high schools across Prince Edward Island through youth addiction counsellors. 


    The Canadian Mental Health Association - PEI Division, provides a wide range of services including peer support programs, suicide prevention initatives, education workshops and housing supports to Islanders across the province.

    Strongest Families

    The Strongest Families Program provides high quality, timely, no cost mental health care for Prince Edward Island children and youth and their families. The program is delivered online and through telehealth services.

    Community Mental Health Services


    Mental health care is offered in community health facilities across the province. Bilingual services are available in some locations. You can search your community mental health services by region. 

    Island Help Line


    24 hour, bilingual and confidential telephone service that provides information, support or help to Islanders who are in a crisis.

  • Francophone Resources

    PEI Smoking Cessation Program (Le Programme d’abandon du tabac de l’Î.-P.-É.)  

    The PEI Smoking Cessation Program helps PEI residents who wish to stop smoking or using other tobacco products by: covering 100% of the cost of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products (i.e., nicotine gum, lozenges, patches, and inhaler) and specific smoking cessation prescription medications.


  • General Cessation or Prevention Resources


    SMAT is more than just automated messages. It's ongoing support to help you quit, anytime, anywhere. You will receive advice based on your quit date and your situation, to help you through the quitting process via text messaging. 

    I QUIT NOW - J'ARRÊTE (Québec Sans Tabac)

    Discover I QUIT NOW services and their free personalized support via online help, by phone, in person or by text. Services are available in French.  

  • Indigenous Youth Resources

    Talk Tobacco (Parlez Tabac) 

    Talk Tobacco is a free confidential program offering culturally appropriate support and information about quitting smoking, vaping and commercial tobacco use to First Nations, Inuit, Métis and urban Indigenous communities. Services are available in French. 

  • 2SLGBTQI+ Resources

    Expand Project 

    The Expand Project is an initiative to start a dialog within queer and trans communities about smoking.

  • Mental Health and Other Substance Use Resources

    Aire Ouvert  

    The services offered at Aire ouverte are free of charge and respect personal privacy. Professionals, such as a nurse or social worker, are on hand to welcome clients, listen to their needs and help them find solutions. Staff are competent and understanding, and the help they provide is non-judgmental, regardless of the person's situation, occupation or condition.

    Wellness Together Canada (Espace Mieux Etre Canada)  

    The services offered at Wellness Together are free of charge and respect personal privacy. Professionals, such as a nurse or social worker, are on hand to welcome clients, listen to their needs and help them find solutions. Staff are competent and understanding, and the help they provide is non-judgmental, regardless of the person's situation, occupation or condition. Services are available in French.  


  • General Cessation or Prevention Resources

    Saskatchewan Quits Facebook Support Group 

    Saskatchewan Quits is a peer support group for people looking to quit smoking or cut back on smoking. This Facebook Group is run by Lung Sask.

    Ready to Quit Lung Sask

    Find out what steps you can take to get ready to quit vaping.

    Lung Sask

    Lung Saskatchewan is a trusted partner in lung health:

    • An educator on lung diseases and threats to lung health.
    • An advocate for policies that protect lung health.
    • An investor and participant in lung health research  and care.
    • A source of information and support on a lung health journey. 

    Vaping Information - Lung Sask 

    Information, health effects, laws about vaping

  • Indigenous Youth Resources

    Youth4Change In Communities Program 

    Youth4Change is growing to our First Nations Communities! We need culturally relevant, youth and community-oriented programming to increase awareness and decrease use and uptake.  

    Saskatchewan Health Authority - First Nations and Metis Health Services

    Optimal health and well-being for First Nations and Métis individuals, families, communities, and nations.

    Aboriginal Friendship Centres of Saskatchewan 

    Helping people through friendship, cultural awareness, integrity, and sharing.

  • 2SLGBTQI+ Resources

    Out Saskatoon

    Saskatoon and area's 2SLGBTQ+ Community centre and service provider.

  • Mental Health and Other Substance Use Resources

    Mental Health and Addiction Services

    A wide range of services, supports, and education materials are available to assist people who are struggling with mental health and addiction issues in Saskatchewan.

    CMHA Saskatchewan 

    CMHA Saskatchewan offers a range of mental health programs and services to communities in the province.  

    Métis Addictions Council of Saskatchewan Inc. (MACSI)

    Provincial community based addictions agency with locations in three cities across the province, Saskatoon, Regina and Prince Albert. We welcome Métis, First Nations and Non Aboriginal people who are seeking support to live safer, healthier lives free of the harmful effects of addictions. 


  • General Cessation or Prevention Resources


    Free support for quitting smoking - Text messaging, phone, and email support.

    SmokersHelpLine - Yukon is your 24/7 touchpoint for getting and staying smoke-free and vape-free. Call 1-877-513-5333 or visit the website for online support.

  • 2SLGBTQI+ Resources

    Queer Yukon

    Queer Yukon Society supports, promotes, and organizes events for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and allies in Whitehorse, Yukon. 

  • Mental Health and Other Substance Use Resources

    Reach Out - CMHA Yukon 

    The Reach Out Support Line is a volunteer-based, confidential, non-judgmental and free support line run by the Canadian Mental Health Association, Yukon Division. 

    Ignite Counselling

    Team of professional counsellors in Whitehorse, Yukon. Note: there are fees for this service. 

You got this. Start Quashing!

Quitting might be challenging. Don’t let this stop you from trying. It is normal to make more than one attempt at quitting. Remember you’re not alone and we know you can do this! 

Get started →
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