Under the hood list

Whats Under the hood?

What does the industry put in these things anyway? And why?

Chemicals  from Vaping

Nicotine - used as an insecticide.

The highly addictive chemical found naturally in the tobacco plant.

Propylene glycol - found in fog machines.

Retains moisture and makes the vape aerosol when heated.

Vegetable glycerin

Helps makes the big vape cloud when you exhale. Helps reduce throat irritation. Combines with propylene glycol to carry the nicotine.


Flavours are added to attract youth and appeal to people’s senses and likings.  Even with laws restricting them there are over 7000 different flavours of vape liquid. When sugars are heated harmful chemicals are created like acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde boosts the addictiveness of nicotine and has a mood-improving affect that keeps you wanting more.

Formaldehyde - Found in glues and cleaning products.

A by-product of heating, specifically the sugars in flavoured vapes

Heavy metals such as nickel, tin & lead From a vapes metal heating coil.

Chemicals  from cigarettes

Acetone - Found in nail polish remover

A chemical that comes from burning plant material.

Ammonia - Found in cleaners

Increases the uptake of nicotine in your brain. The result…you get a faster, stronger dose of nicotine and become more addicted.

Arsenic - Found in rat poison

Ends up in cigarettes due to the pesticides used in tobacco farming. 

Carbon Monoxide

Found in car exhaust fumes. Produced through burning any combustible product.

Methane - Main part of natural gas

 One of the leading causes of climate change. The main hydrocarbon found in in cigarette smoke.

Nicotine - used as an insecticide.

The highly addictive chemical found naturally in the tobacco plant.

Tar - Used for paving roads.

Residue from burning the tobacco and other plant material in cigarettes.

Urea - A compound found in urine

Found naturally in burley tobacco. Used by the tobacco industry as a flavourant – to help soften, sweeten and reduce the harshness of tobacco.


Sugar is a major additive in tobacco products to reduce the harshness of tobacco and make it easier to smoke. When sugar is burned harmful chemicals are created like


Acetaldehyde boosts the addictiveness of nicotine and has a mood-improving affect that keeps you wanting more.

Formaldehyde- Found in glues and cleaning products.

A by-product of burning, specifically the sugars in cigarettes.

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